Though the power sharing agreement signed between Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga was a step towards the end of the political impasse, much remains to be done to address the many social and economic problems that have come to the fore in Kenya since the December 2007 election. The successful implementation of the agreement will have a large impact on the nation’s future, as well as the stability and security of the broader East Africa region. Equally as important will be the resolution of land issues, ethnic tensions and the identification of durable solutions for those who remain displaced.
On March 14, the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement hosted a luncheon seminar on these issues. The discussion focused on the larger political issues in Kenya that have created the volatile situation, steps for successful implementation of the power sharing agreement, actions for civil society groups in Kenya and the humanitarian impact of the violence, for both Kenya and the region.
Should China have a role in ending the war in Ukraine?
Pavel K. Baev, Robin Brooks, Jonathan A. Czin, Patricia M. Kim, Michael E. O’Hanlon, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Ryan Hass, Patricia M. Kim, Emilie Kimball