The Future of China’s Media: Adapting to Market and Political Conditions
Thursday, November 1, 2007
9:00 am - 11:00 am EDT
The Brookings Institution
Somers Room
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC
As China’s economy continues to develop and its society becomes increasingly open, the role of the news media has become an important issue for the government in Beijing. China boasts the world’s largest newspaper circulation, more than 8000 magazines, 700 television networks, and 2000 cable channels. China also has 130 million internet users; second only to the U.S. In the eyes of the Chinese government, the media should serve as a mouthpiece for the authorities; government interference is common in the traditional media, while thousands of internet police patrol cyber-space for signs of anti-party and anti-government sentiment. In this CNAPS presentation, Mr. Huang discussed the development of the Chinese media under the influence of both market and political intervention. Mr. Huang also discussed the changes in government policy toward the news media and prospects for the future development of China’s media.
Mr. Ching-Lung Huang is a veteran journalist and Vice President of the China Times, one of Taiwan’s leading newspapers. He was educated in the Department of Journalism at the National Chengchi University; the Advanced Study EMBA Program at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; and at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute of Columbia University, as a Professional Fellow. His previous positions with the China Times include Deputy Director, Editor-in-Chief, and Director of the News Center.