

2:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT

Past Event

Strengthening air and space power: A conversation with Undersecretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton

  • Monday, July 29, 2024

    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

The Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC

The United States Department of the Air Force (DAF) is optimizing to meet the challenges of great power competition, with efforts focused on deterring adversaries and ensuring that the Air Force and Space Force maintain superiority in their respective domains. Significant modernization initiatives, such as the Sentinel land-based nuclear modernization program, are underway. Meanwhile, the Space Force is in the initial phases of transforming from a peacetime-focused force to one with full warfighting capabilities, necessitating continued adaptation. Ensuring that airmen and guardians are well-trained, equipped, and ready is essential to sustain the DAF’s strategic edge and retain a credible extended deterrent. However, budget constraints complicate these efforts, often requiring the DAF to make difficult choices.

On July 29, join the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology at Brookings for a conversation with Undersecretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton on how the DAF is meeting the priorities of the National Defense Strategy; investing in force structure, modernized capabilities, and people; and adapting to the challenges of this complex, budget-constrained security environment.

Online viewers can submit questions via e-mail to [email protected] or via X (formerly Twitter) @BrookingsFP using #AirSpacePower.
