


9:15 am EST - 5:15 pm EST

Past Event

New Ideas to Scale Up and Finance Global Education

  • Monday, February 24, 2014

    9:15 am - 5:15 pm EST

Brookings Institution
Saul/Zilkha Rooms

1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Achieving the goal of universal learning will require scaling up effective efforts and better allocating financial resources. Moving 57 million out-of-school children into school and ensuring that they learn the necessary skills will require bilateral, multilateral, and private sector donors to dramatically increase their support and make it more effective. Education must be scaled up.

On February 24, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings hosted a full-day event comprising a number of discussions focused on identifying concrete actions—policy, programmatic and research—that are required to improve education financing and to scale up learning. Four panels and a featured discussion took stock of evidence and research on the role of existing and new financing models for education, and explored further how these models assist in scaling up effective learning systems to children around the world.  Discussions centered on innovative mechanisms to finance and improve education and maximize the impact of interventions.

Follow the discussion on Twitter with the hashtag #GlobalEdu.  

Panel 1—How to Scale Up and Finance Learning

Featured Remarks - New Ideas to Scale Up and Finance Global Education

Panel 2—Better Allocating Finances to Reach the Marginalized

Panel 3—Innovative Financing Opportunities for Scaling Education
