Navigating the complex policy challenges of the 21st century will require a new American strategy that can operationalize and uphold the ideals of bipartisanship, inclusivity, and democratic values. In a new book, former congressman and CIA officer Will Hurd lays out a bold political vision for how the United States can tackle major issues facing the country — from maintaining a global presence in the face of renewed great power competition and a global pandemic, to domestic priorities such as adapting new technologies that are rapidly changing the way Americans live their lives.
On April 25, the Foreign Policy program at Brookings hosted a webinar to explore the full range of policy challenges raised in the book, including inequality, political dishonesty, technological disruption, declining democracy, and rising new threats to America’s global leadership and power. In conversation with Brookings scholars Suzanne Maloney, Bob Kagan, and Elaine Kamarck, Hurd explored some of the biggest issues facing our country and offer thoughts about how to get it back on track.
Viewers may submit questions by emailing [email protected] or on Twitter using the hashtag #AmericanReboot.
April 25
Elaine Kamarck Founding Director - Center for Effective Public Management, Senior Fellow - Governance Studies @EKamarckRobert Kagan Stephen & Barbara Friedman Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology