Muthiah Alagappa Panelists: Samir Kumar Das V.R. Raghavan Sanjoy Hazarika
The diversity and divisions in northeastern India, combined with regional migration, have created a volatile political situation resulting in large-scale violence between and among the minority and the majority populations. This forum seeks to analyze the perspectives of competing groups and explore if the national government’s policies of redrawing internal political borders and boundaries or conferring various measures of autonomy on the minority populations will lead to an eventual settlement of the conflict in northeastern India.
The forum, held in conjunction with the East-West Center, will feature a dynamic group of panelists including: Samir Kumar Das, Calcutta University; V.R. Raghavan, director, Delhi Policy Group and president, Centre for Security Analysis; and Sanjoy Hazarika, managing trustee, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research. Stephen P. Cohen, a Brookings Institution senior fellow, and Muthiah Alagappa, the East-West Center Washington director, will moderate the panel discussion.
A question and answer session will follow remarks.