
Beyond EU Enlargement – Vol. I

The Agenda of Direct Neighborhood for Eastern Europe

Iris Kempe
Release Date: August 1, 2002

The area directly bordering the Russian Federation and the growing European Union-Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova-raises new problems for the EU. For the first time in its history, the EU must form neighborly relations with bordering states that can neither be isolated nor completely integrated due to their basic systemic differences. The eastern enlargement of NATO is a key factor in the redesign of Europe’s security architecture. This solution, however, focuses on the risks of a tighter military definition of security. By contrast, the increasing threats arising from political, economic and social conflicts (the so-called soft security risks) are not sufficiently taken into account. Integration in terms of security policy is the core of good relations between the EU and its future eastern neighbors.

The agenda of direct neighborhoods for Central and Eastern Europe as well as the agenda of stabilization for Southeastern Europe are dealt with through empirical analysis and the formulation of policy recommendations in this collection of essays.
