

Iran Nuclear Talks End In Frustration: Brookings Scholars Respond

On Saturday, several intense days of negotiations among Iran and six world powers culminated in frustration, as continuing differences between the sides prevented the much-anticipated signing of an interim accord to address international concerns over Iran’s nuclear program. Brookings Institution scholars have been hard at work analyzing the outcome and contributing to the debate in the media and behind the scenes over what went wrong and what may come next.

Over the course of the next several days, Iran At Saban will be featuring commentary from our colleagues throughout Brookings, who bring an array of regional and technical expertise to this important question. We encourage you to follow links to opinions below for nuanced commentary and diverse opinions on the talks and the implications for Iran, the United States and its allies.

Keep watching for more — we’ll be updating this post with additional Brookings commentary and analysis over the course of today and beyond.