

Vote—What do you think should be the top priority for Africa in the year ahead?

Man placing ballot in ballot box

Each year, our scholars and other Africa experts contribute their thoughts on the top priorities for Africa for the upcoming year. In a year dominated by the twin economic and health crises under COVID-19, it’s even more difficult to parse out what should be a priority for local, national, and global leaders when it comes to Africa.

So, as we prepare to launch the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative’s flagship report, Foresight Africa, we’d would like to hear from you: Specifically, what do you think should be the top priority for Africa in the year ahead?

Take the poll >>


If we did not capture your priority, we invite you to tell us what it is in our comments section or tweet to @BrookingsGlobal using #ForesightAfrica.

The results will be revealed at the Foresight Africa event on January 27. We invite you to tune into the webcast.