Before, during and after President Obama’s State of the Union speech, tweets and links from Brookings scholars were posted here, and updated as they happened.
10:43: William Galston offers his reaction to and analysis of President Obama’s speech here.
Apparently, the Republican answer to “opportunity inequality” is … prayer. cc: @RichardvReeves
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
GOP contrast income inequality & ‘opportunity inequality’, and set goal to ‘rebuild American dream’ and to ‘close the gap’. OK, so: policy?
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
A few good crunches on policy. Occasional cadences. But not sure what argument of #SOTU really was. Perhaps that’s just the nature of it?
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Republican Response agrees with Obama on #immigration reform but in a “step by step” process #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
President made no news on Iran. There IS news on #Syria: the subtle shift away from anti-Assad agenda in support for oppo.
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Can we just give up on expecting the #SOTU response to be anything other than painful? It’s a set-up for nails-on-chalkboard failure.
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
“In #Syria, we’ll support the oppo that rejects the agenda of terrorist networks.” Note: Shift to anti-AQ, not anti-Assad agenda #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Similar situation 2night: Obama great at elections and crowd-pleasing speeches, but can administration put good policy to work? (2/2)
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 29, 2014
During shutdown I said, “Presidents get elected because of leadership; they succeed because of management.” (1/2)
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 29, 2014
Big claps for #SOTU on gender pay gap. Here’s the gender MOBILITY gap… @isawhill
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Seriously, for me the tribute to Cory Remsberg was the highlight of the speech. #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
When it comes to #infrastructure, Washington can be helpful but it’s clear there’s no cavalry coming #sotu
— Robert Puentes (@rpuentes) January 29, 2014
#SOTU overall great speech-too bad no mention of reproductive rights
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
The fun isn’t over! GOP response still to come. See #FixGov thoughts on what a Republican #SOTU would’ve looked like
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 29, 2014
Shorter #SOTU: Lotsa proposals delivered to a do-nothing Congress, plus a few end-runs around those sitting on their hands.
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) January 29, 2014
I wish we’d heard more on neighborhood gaps. See @patrick_sharkey on growing $ segregation
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Most important foreign policy agenda item: Closing Guantanamo. #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
#SOTU call for “year of action.” Whether or not Congress will act on #immigration, states and cities already are:
— Jill H Wilson (@JillHWilson) January 29, 2014
Lots on strong middle class in #SOTU. Does it mean < mobility? @jacobselisabeth took a look
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
10:20: President Obama has concluded his address. Stay tuned for William Galston’s post-SOTU reaction …
#SOTU we really should call house and senate votes within minutes of moments like these
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
#SOTU Army Ranger Cory Remsberg reminds us how silly our partisan spats can be and how much of a United States we really are
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
OK, I take back what I said about anecdotes. I do find this moving.
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
For Cory Remsburg, it’s not an honor to be at the #SOTU, it’s an honor for everyone in that room to be in the presence of Cory Remsburg
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
10:16: Cory is here tonight. And like the Army he loves, like the America he serves, Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg never gives up, and he does not quit.
#SOTU for pol gaps — nothing clear on Japan-China-Korea tangle; on engaging India, Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia etc.
— Bruce Jones (@brucebrookings) January 29, 2014
Obama is “clear-eyed about Iran’s support for terrorist orgs like Hezbollah” but he says nothing about their murderous acts in Syria. #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Wish USG were doing more to support #Tunisia‘s democratic progress, like opening free trade talks and pressing Europe on “more for more”.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 29, 2014
Goal on #Iran– resolve threat “without the risks of war” #SOTU
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 29, 2014
Best work in the nation on #Iran. See my colleague @tcwittes, Saban Center, and Iran at Saban blog @BrookingsInst
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
#SOTU on Iran, Syria v v short on strategies.
— Bruce Jones (@brucebrookings) January 29, 2014
10:09: “The sanctions that we put in place [on Iran] helped make this opportunity possible. But let me be clear: if this Congress sends me a new sanctions bill now that threatens to derail these talks, I will veto it. For the sake of our national security, we must give diplomacy a chance to succeed.”
He’ll be criticized for being a liberal, socialist, communist, & worse. But tonight’s #SOTU was a speech for moderates and independents
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
Obama should pursue regime change in #Syria | … #FPBigBets
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
10:06: “American diplomacy, backed by the threat of force, is why Syria’s chemical weapons are being eliminated, and we will continue to work with the international community to usher in the future the Syrian people deserve – a future free of dictatorship, terror and fear. As we speak, American diplomacy is supporting Israelis and Palestinians as they engage in difficult but necessary talks to end the conflict there; to achieve dignity and an independent state for Palestinians, and lasting peace and security for the State of Israel – a Jewish state that knows America will always be at their side.”
#SOTU recommitment to close guantanamo bay is critical to reassuring those of us who remember candidate Obama decrying torture
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
Going for closing of Guantanamo — setting up for further talks with Taleban in Afghanistan. #SOTU
— Bruce Jones (@brucebrookings) January 29, 2014
We are closing Guantanamo! #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Very bad idea: Deploying American troops “may feed extremism.”
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
How many times has #Yemen been mentioned in a #SOTU?
— Bruce Jones (@brucebrookings) January 29, 2014
AQ has fragmented. What should the US Do? | @will_mccants, @selectedwisdom & I make a case | #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Shorter #SOTU foreign policy msg: No more war. Diplomacy and CT are all we need.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 29, 2014
Obama follows divisive issue in speech (ACA) with unifying issue in speech (helping veterans). #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
Armed forces get standing O; time for the foreign policy section!
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 29, 2014
10:01: “Tonight, because of the extraordinary troops and civilians who risk and lay down their lives to keep us free, the United States is more secure.”
Obama focusing on gun violence now. Tempered tone. Just talking about getting SOMETHING done. Idealist meets realist #SOTU.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:59: “Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say “we are not afraid,” and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook.”
#SOTU touches on voting experience & Presidential Commission on Election Administration. See initial reactions here:
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 29, 2014
#SOTU POTUS mentioning March 31 means its unlikely white house will extend enrollment past that date
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
#SOTU Obama apparently ignoring the existence of yesterday’s Burr-Coburn-Hatch Obamacare replacement proposal:
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
After two elections, passage through two houses, a Supreme Court ruling and a government shutdown, we’re still debating Obamacare?
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) January 29, 2014
Obama now owning the ACA. Something he wants to do; something he needs to do. #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
#SOTU it is great that POTUS is not shying away from ACA.
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
9:53: “For decades, few things exposed hard-working families to economic hardship more than a broken health care system. And in case you haven’t heard, we’re in the process of fixing that.”
MyRA (new retirement savings vehicle)= the only truly new proposal in the #SOTU?
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
“My RA.” Does every American worker really need a research assistant? #SOTU
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
MyRA proposal by Obama, great idea. Naming it after a degenerative disease, maybe not the best idea. #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:51: “Let’s do more to help Americans save for retirement. Today, most workers don’t have a pension. A Social Security check often isn’t enough on its own. And while the stock market has doubled over the last five years, that doesn’t help folks who don’t have 401ks. That’s why, tomorrow, I will direct the Treasury to create a new way for working Americans to start their own retirement savings: MyRA.”
Hey, you know, there’s also a bill (already introduced in Congress) for paid family leave, too: The FAMILY Act. #sotu
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
Learn more about tackling inequality by raising the minimum wage from @Brookingsmetro @berubea1 #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
For many suburban families struggling to survive on meager wages, increases to min wage can’t come soon enough #SOTU
— Jill H Wilson (@JillHWilson) January 29, 2014
Today’s fed min wage of $7.25/hr is $2.15 lower than it was in 1964 (adjusting for inflation) Learn more here: #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
9:48: “In the coming weeks, I will issue an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally-funded employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour – because if you cook our troops’ meals or wash their dishes, you shouldn’t have to live in poverty.”
Obama talking about workplace issues that A LOT of Americans face. Growing up ina blue collar household, I sure did. #SOTU Winning Dem Issue
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
“Women deserve equal pay for equal work” Loud applause. What year is it? #SOTU
— Audrey Singer (@audsinger) January 29, 2014
Direct appeal to women. Equal pay for equal work. Fire lit under everyone in chamber #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:45: “Today, women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment. A woman deserves equal pay for equal work.”
Pre-K education is vital, and there are huge gaps in the vital early years #SOTU
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Apple, Microsoft, Sprint and Verizon helping connect 15,000 new schools. Great for #mlearning. #sotu #broadband
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 29, 2014
Everyone loves when #SOTU President’s mention kids’ accomplishments. Cant sit silent for that.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
US is almost unique that class gaps DON”T narrow in K-12 years. Big gap in success at this stage #SOTU
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
9:41: “Research shows that one of the best investments we can make in a child’s life is high-quality early education.”
Great, repeatable line: ” it’s not enough to train today’s workforce. We also have to prepare tomorrow’s workforce” #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
‘Train Americans with skills employers need’. Connect firms & community colleges – key for low-income young #SOTU
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Skills training can be funded by #immigrant visas! See @Brookingsmetro idea on how to use visa fees better #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
Biden-led job training initiative = a good start. But we need $, too.
— Elisabeth Jacobs (@jacobselisabeth) January 29, 2014
Huge moment of speech. President talking about job retraining. Matching skills with job vacancies is essential for future growth.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:37: “So tonight, I’ve asked Vice President Biden to lead an across-the-board reform of America’s training programs to make sure they have one mission: train Americans with the skills employers need, and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now.”
Applause for #immigration reform, now move it forward #SOTU @JillHWilson @neil_ruiz @NSvajlenka
— Audrey Singer (@audsinger) January 29, 2014
Lots of cheers for “fix our broken #immigration system.” #SOTU
— Jill H Wilson (@JillHWilson) January 29, 2014
9:34: “Finally, if we are serious about economic growth, it is time to heed the call of business leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders, and law enforcement – and fix our broken immigration system.”
Fixing climate change is a no brainer. And we know how to do it. But for some reason, Congress finds it too hard. #SOTU
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) January 29, 2014
My favorite #sotu line so far is “climate change is a fact.” @SenWhitehouse will like that!
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 29, 2014
9:33: “But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact. And when our children’s children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world, with new sources of energy, I want us to be able to say yes, we did.”
Learn more about jobs and the clean economy from @Brookingsmetro #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
9:29: “The all-of-the-above energy strategy I announced a few years ago is working, and today, America is closer to energy independence than we’ve been in decades.”
So far, boilerplate #SOTU
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
SME mfg firms that exported during recession saw revenue growth, helping to save jobs, invest in workers. See my oped
— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) January 29, 2014
Interesting! So they are going to bootstrap more manufacturing hubs. For more on these see: @BrookingsMetro
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 29, 2014
Glad Obama recognizes need to work w “mayors, governors, & state legislatures” to make progress. Need to partner outside DC #SOTU #MetroRev
— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) January 29, 2014
9:25: “Both Democrats and Republicans have argued that our tax code is riddled with wasteful, complicated loopholes that punish businesses investing here, and reward companies that keep profits abroad. Let’s flip that equation. Let’s work together to close those loopholes, end those incentives to ship jobs overseas, and lower tax rates for businesses that create jobs here at home.”
Obama notes moving on policy w/o Congress not just about Exec Action;it includes working with States and Cities. See @BrookingsMetro on this
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
#SOTU “Let’s Move…brought down obesity rates..for the first time in 30 years” see obesity stats here:
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
Obama eager to work with Congress, but says he’s ready to take executive action to get the job done
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 29, 2014
‘Simple profound belief in opportunity for all’ says Pres O. #SOTU Here’s the scale of the challenge, in one graph.
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 29, 2014
Attacking the economic costs of partisan politics is an important message here in #SOTU
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 29, 2014
9:21: “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”
Strong condemnation of threat to the Full Faith and Credit of the US in #SOTU speech. Signal to a coming battle #DebtCeiling
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:19: “… we can still do more to invest in this country’s future while bringing down our deficit in a balanced way. But the budget compromise should leave us freer to focus on creating new jobs, not creating new crises.”
President Obama begins #SOTU with discussion of economy: unemployment, jobs, and deficits. Brookings commentary here:
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 29, 2014
Am sure GOP will not like @BarackObama claim that 2014 is breakthru year for US. #sotu
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 29, 2014
At the outset,president speaking about job creation and economic growth, underappreciated aspects of his record. #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
9:17: “Tonight, this chamber speaks with one voice to the people we represent: it is you, our citizens, who make the state of our union strong.”
9:14: President Obama has started speaking.
Designated survivor Ernest Moniz is literally sitting out SOTU to conserve energy #SOTU
— Kavita Patel M.D. (@kavitapmd) January 29, 2014
9:09: President Obama is entering the House chamber to applause. George Washington delivered his message to Congress in person, but Thomas Jefferson discontinued the practice. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson revived the tradition of delivering the annual message to Congress in person.
9:01: Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz is the Cabinet member not in attendance.
“He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” — Article II, Section 3, U.S. Constitution
In the case of #Syria, he’ll mention that they are destroying CW, therefore we are safer.
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 29, 2014
Presidents are always criticized for being overly partisan in #SOTU, there should be PARTS of this speech both parties can get behind
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
Pleased to be in studio with @AP‘s @kellydaschle to discuss #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 29, 2014
Watching the #sotu pre-game show is like watching the lead up to Super Bowl. I am ready to hear the actual speech!
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 29, 2014
Mark Liberman gives great overview of linguistic trends in SOTUs over the years: Mysterious decline in use of “the”
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 29, 2014
President Obama is expected to announce a program for automatic IRAs for workers whose employers don’t offer it. Find out how Brookings experts developed this idea.
In President Obama’s SOTUs, the military often takes a back seat | |
— Mike Doran (@Doranimated) January 28, 2014
2014 marks the 50th anniv of the “War on Poverty.” It’s time to reassess what’s working and adapt our policies #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 29, 2014
Re tonight’s #SOTU learrn about tackling inequality by raising the minimum wage. @berubea1
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 28, 2014
White House released bits of the #SOTU; focus on economic mobility and a strong middle class. Some previous thoughts:
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 29, 2014
After the State of the Union dust settles, join me and others for a roundtable @AAF on the minimum wage this thurs.
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 28, 2014
In #2014SOTU, Obama should signal to Congress that it is OK to renew practice of earmarking. @JohnJHudak on #FixGov
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 28, 2014
Before the speech, Brookings scholars and associates were already commenting on issues the president should address, including:
Obama Should Encourage Congressional Earmarks, John Hudak on FixGov
Don’t Back Down on Trade in the State of the Union, Amy Liu on The Avenue
Big Bets & Black Swans: A Presidential Briefing Book, from Foreign Policy scholars
Why the State of the Union Matters…Even if It Doesn’t, Thomas Mann on FixGov
A GOP State of the Union would Still be Off Message, Lloyd Green on FixGov
What Would President Romney Do?, Lanhee Chen on FixGov
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What Brookings Scholars Said about Obama’s #SOTU Speech
January 28, 2014