Up next in our Millions Learning video series, we explore the Zambian government’s Lesson Study practice, which is one of the 14 case studies investigated in the Millions Learning report. Lesson Study is a practice of peer-to-peer collaborative learning by which teachers share knowledge and skills to improve teaching methods. This approach promotes teamwork among teachers and improves the supervision of school managers, ultimately strengthening Zambian school systems.
In this video, Esvah Chizambe, assistant director of the Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services in Zambia’s Ministry of General Education, discusses how Lesson Study has maintained quality as the practice has scaled across the country. This has been possible by establishing clear roles, structure, and responsibilities across the education system, while also providing enough flexibility to adapt the practice to the needs of teachers and students.
Chizambe highlights the importance of Zambia’s 10-year partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency, which has provided important technical assistance and ensured that the Zambian government maintains program ownership.
To learn more about Millions Learning, please visit our interactive report, Millions Learning: Scaling up quality education in developing countries, and/or visit our webpage.
WATCH: Esvah Chizambe explains the strength of government partnerships in Zambia’s Lesson Study
May 25, 2016