As a part of our Millions Learning project here at the Center for Universal Education, I recently had a conversation with former Prime Minister of Australia and CUE Distinguished Fellow Julia Gillard about key elements needed to scale quality education for children and youth, and in particular, the critical role partnerships can play in that process. Julia serves as co-chair of our International Advisory Panel for the project, and as a former head of state is well aware of the shifting role of governments in the rapidly changing education landscape. With governments no longer the sole provider of education around the world, partnership with a broad range of actors is more necessary than ever to finance and deliver quality education for all.
Millions Learning is soliciting examples of successful, large-scale education models from around the world through August 15, 2014, and partnership is a priority area that we will be exploring. In our conversation, Julia touched not only on this but also on how successful models of improving learning must include a shared sense of accountability and participation among a multitude of actors at each point along the education “value chain.” Watch more below:
The Power of Partnerships in Scaling Learning
July 30, 2014