The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Lessons learned and the debate ahead


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Lessons learned and the debate ahead
Steven M. Miska
Guest Author

Steven M. Miska

Veteran, Executive Director – First Amendment Voice, Author – Baghdad Underground Railroad

Steve Miska serves on the steering committee of Evacuate Our Allies Coalition, a humanitarian and veteran effort to evacuate Afghan partners from conflict. He is the Executive Director of First Amendment Voice, a nonpartisan effort to reinvigorate civic awareness around free expression, religious liberty, press freedom and other first amendment issues. He founded Servant, Leader, Citizen (SLC) Consulting, Inc. after retiring as a Colonel with 25 years in the Army. His last assignment was teaching graduate students as the Army Chair at Marine Corps University. Previously, he served in the Obama White House as Director for Iraq on the National Security Council. In 2007, on his second of three combat tours, Steve led a team that established an underground railroad for dozens of interpreters from Baghdad to Amman to the United States. His book, Baghdad Underground Railroad, chronicles the story. He earned top academic honors as a Counterterrorism Fellow at the College of International Security Affairs and has taught economics at the United States Military Academy, West Point. Steve routinely speaks on first amendment issues and soft networks and has addressed DIA, RAND, the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Young Presidents Organization of LA, and numerous media outlets and think tanks. He is on the advisory boards of several organizations including IRAP, i5 Freedom Network, Maestro, and the Euphrates Institute. Steve holds degrees from Cornell University, National Defense University, and West Point.

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