Katrina Bulkley is the Acting Dean of the College of Education and Human Services as well as a Professor of Educational Leadership at Montclair State University. Bulkley’s research examines school choice and charter schools as well as the increasing use of new governance structures and non-public actors to improve urban public education. She was the lead author of, “Challenging the One Best System: The Portfolio Management Model and Urban School Governance” (Harvard Education Press), which examined the connections between governance change and educational practice in Denver, Los Angeles, and New Orleans. As a Research Partner with the National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice (https://www.reachcentered.org/), she is studying state policy around issues of choice, including the role of charter school authorizers in addressing the needs of historically marginalized populations and the impact of COVID-19 on school choice.
Guest Author
Katrina Bulkley
Acting Dean & Professor of Educational Leadership, College of Education and Human Services – Montclair State University