Guest Author

John Hallacy

Managing Director – Assured Guaranty

John Hallacy is a Managing Director in Assured Guaranty’s Public Finance department, where he has responsibilities in several important business development areas. He is a regular contributor to the company’s weekly municipal publication, develops and enhances the company’s retail marketing effort and supports new business origination. Mr. Hallacy has an extensive professional history, which encompasses both investment banking and bond insurance. His most recent position was as the Managing Director, Head of Municipal Research with Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In addition to his highly regarded accomplishments as a sell-side municipal analyst, he has significant experience in the bond insurance industry. He helped to establish two bond insurance companies and ran underwriting groups at both FGIC and MBIA. He started his career with Standard & Poor’s, focusing on credit rating analysis across multiple sectors. A well-known speaker on topics related to the municipal market, he has also been ranked frequently in the Institutional Investor poll. The National Federation of Municipal Analysts (NFMA) granted him its Award of Excellence in 2001. He graduated from Columbia College of Columbia University and has done graduate work at the University.

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