Afghanistan under the Taliban: Power dynamics, regional relations, and US policy


Afghanistan under the Taliban: Power dynamics, regional relations, and US policy
Eric L. McDaniel
Guest Author

Eric L. McDaniel

Associate Professor, Department of Government – The University of Texas at Austin

Eric L. McDaniel is an associate professor in the Department of Government and the co-director of the Politics of Race and Ethnicity Lab at the University of Texas, Austin. His research examines how the intersection of race and religion influences the American political landscape. His book, Politics in the Pews: The Political Mobilization of Black Churches, provides an explanation for why some Black churches choose to engage the political world while others do not. His forthcoming book, The Everyday Crusade: Christianity, Nationalism, and the Politics of American Mythology, co-authored with Irfan Nooruddin and Allyson Shortle, explores how beliefs about America being God’s chosen nation influence how American come to understand themselves and the nation’s place in the world. In addition to this, he has published numerous articles in academic journals and opinion pieces in national outlets. Prof. McDaniel is currently the host of “Digging into the Culture,” a weekly radio show that takes an uncompromising look into the Black experience.

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