Anne Hayes is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Inclusive Development Partners (IDP). She has more than 25 years of technical expertise focusing on disability-inclusive development and inclusive education, working in more than 30 countries worldwide. Previously, she worked as several NGOs, bilateral and multilateral organizations including serving as the Director of Collaborative Initiatives at the World Bank’s Global Partnership on Disability and Development (GPDD), and as a Disability and Gender Specialist at USAID. Ms. Hayes also participated extensively in NGO efforts related to the drafting of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a Steering Committee Member of the International Disability Caucus (IDC). She has published several books, documents, and articles related to disability inclusive development including numerous research publications on donor-funded initiatives for inclusion including serving as the lead author of USAID’s toolkit on Universal Design for Learning to Help All Children Read: Promoting Literacy for Learners with Disabilities. Anne holds a master’s degree in International Education with an emphasis in comparative inclusive education policies from the George Washington University and is the proud mother of two children one of which has disability.
Guest Author
Anne Hayes
Founding Partner and Executive Director – Inclusive Development Partners