Great power competition and overseas bases


Great power competition and overseas bases


Clara Marina O’Donnell memorial lecture: The changing European landscape

Fiona Hill, Karen Donfried, and
Karen Donfried President - German Marshall Fund of the United States
Bart Szewczyk
Bart Szewczyk Member, Policy Planning, U.S. Department of State

January 13, 2015

A year ago our dear friend and colleague Clara Marina O’Donnell tragically passed away. Clara was a nonresident fellow at Brookings where she led research and programs on European security and defense, and a senior fellow at the Centre for European Reform. She focused her work and energy on the transformations underway in European and U.S. military forces.

On January 13th, The Washington European Society hosted a discussion and reception in memoriam of Clara. Brookings Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on the United States and Europe Fiona Hill spoke about Vladimir Putin and his influence in Europe. She was followed by a response from the President of the German Marshall Fund, Karen Donfried. The discussion was moderated by Bart Szewczyk, member of the policy planning staff at the U.S. Department of State.

Download the full program below.