


9:30 am EDT - 11:00 am EDT

Past Event

US grand strategy under President Biden and beyond

  • Thursday, May 5, 2022

    9:30 am - 11:00 am EDT

Online Only

The United States faces a comprehensive suite of challenges, among them China’s rise, Russia’s revanchist foreign policy, as well as other perennial threats, including North Korea’s nuclear program, the ongoing risk of terrorism, as well as the instability that climate change, pandemics, and other natural phenomena increasingly threaten. To frame its approach to these and other challenges, the Biden administration has developed, or is developing, a National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Nuclear Posture Review, to serve as a strategic guidepost for the nation’s collective defense and foreign policy.

On May 5, Brookings hosted an event to discuss these documents, the conclusions they have arrived at, or could reach, and their implications for U.S. foreign policy. The second half of the event also considered future national security challenges beyond these, including the risk of “massive attacks of disruption,” from nature and technology, to threaten society.

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