On April 20, Brookings’s Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies and John L. Thornton China Center hosted The Honorable Kevin Michael Rudd, Leader of the Opposition in the Australian House of Representatives, who delivered remarks on the rise of China and its strategic implications for US-Australia relations. Federal Labor Leader Rudd has had extensive experience in representing Australia on a wide range of security issues and in negotiating the dynamics of political change unfolding in East and South Asia. He spoke from that experience as he discussed the future challenges and opportunities facing China, the U.S., and Australia and what role each will play in regional and global security arrangements.
Kevin Rudd is the leader of the federal Australian Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition in the Australian Parliament. He has been a member of the Australian House of Representatives since 1998, representing the Division of Griffith, Queensland. Before his election as Leader of the Opposition, Rudd served as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Security, and Shadow Minister for Trade. Rudd was influential in Australia for promoting a policy of developing an Asian languages and cultures program which was unanimously accepted by the Coalition of Australian Governments in 1992.
Carlos Pascual, vice president and director of Brookings’s Foreign Policy Studies program, provided introductory remarks and moderated the discussion.