On May 23, 2004 in Taipei, three days after the inauguration of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian’s second term, CNAPS Director Richard Bush and Chairman Chang King-Yuh of the Foundation for International and Cross-Strait Studies (FICS) hosted a seminar on relations between Washington, Taipei, and Beijing. Speakers included experts on Taiwan and cross-Strait relations from the United States, Taiwan, and Japan, including Douglas Paal, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) office in Taipei.
- Remarks by Douglas H. Paal (PDF—41kb), Director of the Taipei Office, American Institute in Taiwan
Papers presented at the conference included:
- Prospects for Taiwan-U.S. Relations (PDF—35kb), by Natale Bellocchi, Bellocchi & Co., LLC
- United States-China Relations Looking Forward, by Richard C. Bush, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
- Cross-Strait Relations after the 2004 Presidential Election (PDF—58kb), by Chao Chien-min, Professor, Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, National Chengchi University
- PRC-Taiwan Relations under Chen Shui-bian’s Government: Continuity and Change between the First and Second Terms (PDF—170kb), by Yasuhiro Matsuda, Senior Research Fellow, The National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan Defense Agency
- Taiwan at a Crossroads: Postmortem of the Presidential Election Roars (PDF—39kb), by Andrew N.D. Yang, Secretary General, Council for Advanced Policy Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Doubly Dualistic Dilemma: U.S. Strategies toward Taiwan and China (PDF—137kb), by Philip Yang, Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University Director, Taiwan Security Research