As cybersecurity dominates headlines, governments around the world are exploring their role in securing networks for their citizens and business interests. While different countries may choose different courses of action, some approaches may–intentionally or accidentally–serve as barriers to international trade. Impeding the flow of information technology goods and services could have an impact beyond the immediate markets affects, and may inspire broader conflicts over trade or limit the benefits of IT to promote development and growth.
On September 19, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings released a paper on “Cybersecurity and Trade: National Policies, Global and Local Consequences” and hosted a panel discussion. Experts explored the impact of national security regulations, highlighting the issues at stake in the context of ongoing trade negotiations around the world, recent disclosures by the NSA and the expanding role of governments in securing cyberspace around the world.
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Security Trade-Off? Implications of Cybersecurity Regulations and International Trade
September 19
Annegret Bendiek Senior Associate, German Institute for International and Security AffairsJohn S. Miller Senior Counsel and Policy Strategist, Global Public Policy - Intel Corporation -
Introduction and Moderator
Allan A. Friedman Former Brookings Expert, Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives, National Telecommunications and Information Administration - U.S. Department of Commerce