


11:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT

Past Event

Rethinking Incentives to Save for a Secure Retirement

  • Friday, September 9, 2011

    11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

Hart Senate Office Building
Room 216

Constitution Avenue and 2nd Street, NE
Washington, DC

Americans — especially low- and middle-income workers — are simply not saving enough for retirement. The current retirement income deficit—the gap between what Americans will need in retirement and what they will actually have—is well over $6 trillion. This gap will be insurmountable without a significant change to current tax policy to help incentivize more Americans to save for their own retirement.

On September 9, the Retirement Security Project at Brookings hosted a briefing in collaboration with the Senate Special Committee on Aging to examine new ways to help Americans save for retirement without increasing government spending. A panel of experts on tax, retirement and budget policy explored ideas to modify the tax incentives for retirement savings.

After the panel, participants took audience questions.
