Arizona’s new immigration law, aimed at increasing enforcement against illegal immigrants, has helped elevate immigration as a key issue leading up to this fall’s congressional elections. While controversial, the law has garnered some support throughout the country, and other states are considering similar measures.
In his new book, Brain Gain, Brookings expert Darrell West argues for rethinking America’s immigration policies, noting that immigration has long benefited the United States, with individuals from all over the world contributing advances in fields ranging from engineering and energy to sports, arts and culture. With this in mind, West recommends a series of immigration reforms to enhance the country’s long-term economic prosperity, innovation and competitiveness.
On Wednesday, July 7, West answered your questions on immigration reform in the United States in a live web chat moderated by Seung Min Kim, assistant editor at POLITICO.
July 7
Darrell M. West Senior Fellow - Governance Studies, Center for Technology Innovation, Center for Effective Public Management, Douglas Dillon Chair in Governmental Studies @ -
SMKSeung Min Kim Assistant Editor