On December 17, 2014, President Barack Obama and President Raúl Castro announced that the United States and Cuba would seek to reestablish diplomatic relations. Since then, the two countries have engaged in bilateral negotiations in Havana and Washington, the United States has made several unilateral policy changes to facilitate greater trade and travel between the two countries, and bipartisan legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to lift the travel ban. Meanwhile, conversations are ongoing about ending the 50-plus-year embargo and Cuba has continued the process of updating its economic system, including establishing new rules for foreign investment and the emerging private sector.
In light of the significant shifts underway in the U.S.-Cuba relationship, new questions arise about Cuba’s development model, and its economic relations with the region and the world. On Tuesday, June 2, the Latin America Initiative at Brookings hosted a series of panel discussions with various experts including economists, lawyers, academics, and practitioners to examine opportunities and challenges facing Cuba in this new context. Panels examined macroeconomic changes underway in Cuba, how to finance Cuba’s growth, the emerging private sector, and themes related to much-needed foreign investment.
Rethinking Cuba: New opportunities for development - Part 1 (English)
Rethinking Cuba: New opportunities for development - Part 2 (English)
Rethinking Cuba: New opportunities for development - Part 1 (español)
Rethinking Cuba: New opportunities for development - Part 2 (español)
Panel 2: Financing Cuba’s growth, development, and trade
Panel 3: Next steps for Cuba’s emerging private Sector–Cuentapropistas and cooperatives
Panel 4: A New stage in foreign direct investment
June 2
Panel 1: Trends in the Cuban economy in light of the new U.S.-Cuba context
9:00 am - 10:15 am
Ted Piccone Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology @piccone_tedSSStefan Selig Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade - U.S. Department of CommerceJTCJuan Triana Cordoví Professor of Economics - University of HavanaARArchibald Ritter Distinguished Research Professor - Carleton University -
Panel 2: Financing Cuba’s growth, development, and trade
10:15 am - 11:15 am
BKBarbara Kotschwar Research Fellow - Peterson Institute for International EconomicsYDYaima Doimeadios Professor - University of HavanaRichard E. Feinberg Former Brookings Expert, Professor, School of Global Policy & Strategy - University of California San Diego @rfeinberg2012SPSaira Pons Professor, Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy - University of HavanaGRGermán Ríos Director, Strategic Affairs - CAF Development Bank -
Panel 3: Next steps for Cuba’s emerging private Sector–Cuentapropistas and cooperatives
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Richard E. Feinberg Former Brookings Expert, Professor, School of Global Policy & Strategy - University of California San Diego @rfeinberg2012RBRafael Betancourt Consultant - Havánada ConsultingTHTed Henken Professor - Baruch CollegeJMJohn McIntire Chairman - Cuba Emprende Foundation -
Panel 4: A New stage in foreign direct investment
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Harold Trinkunas Former Brookings Expert, Interim Co-Director and Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation - Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Antiguo experto de Brookings @htrinkunasMEMark Entwistle Founding Partner - Acasta CapitalOEOmar Everleny Professor, Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy - University of HavanaJMVCJosé María Vinals Camallonga Partner and Director of International Operations - Lupicinio International Law FirmAMAugusto Maxwell Partner - Akerman, LLP -
Closing remarks
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Ted Piccone Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology @piccone_ted