The Bush administration continues to work toward assembling a broad coalition to forcibly disarm Saddam Hussein, despite popular opposition to a war among America’s traditional allies.
Meanwhile, warnings of possible new terrorist attacks on the United States that led the Bush administration to raise the national threat level have focused attention on the threats Americans might face at home during a war with Iraq.
At this Brookings Iraq series briefing, a panel of experts will address the hurdles of coalition building, the current terrorist threats posed by Iraq and al Qaeda, and the status of U.S. homeland defense efforts to meet those threats.
February 20
James B. Steinberg Former Brookings Expert, University Professor, Social Science, International Affairs, and Law - Maxwell School, Syracuse University -
Daniel L. Byman Director and Professor, Security Studies Program - Georgetown University, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Middle East Policy @dbymanMichael E. O’Hanlon Director of Research - Foreign Policy, Director - Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Co-Director - Africa Security Initiative, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Philip H. Knight Chair in Defense and Strategy @MichaelEOHanlonPhilip H. Gordon Former Brookings Expert, Mary and David Boies Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy - Council on Foreign Relations