

10:30 am EST - 2:30 pm EST

Past Event

Low-Income Car Ownership: New Policy for Employment and Family Well-Being

  • Monday, December 5, 2005

    10:30 am - 2:30 pm EST

The Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Research suggests that having a car is a worthwhile investment for better outcomes among low-income families. At this meeting, researchers and program operators reviewed the research evidence, and discussed the policy implications and recent federal legislative proposals to improve access to car ownership opportunities for the working poor.


10:30 Welcome and Overview – Margy Waller
10:40 Presentations on Existing Knowledge
Evelyn Blumenberg, UCLA: Transportation and Low-Income Households (ppt) 
Margy Waller, Brookings: Making Connections 10 City Survey (ppt) 
Susan Crane, PortJobs: Evaluation of Working Wheels, Seattle (ppt)
Jeff Faulkner: Ways to Work Evaluation (ppt) 
Carolyn Hayden, National Economic Development Law Center: Field Scans, Low-Income Car Ownership Programs, 2001 and 2004 (ppt)  

Q and A
Moderator – Harry Holzer, Georgetown University and Urban Institute 


12:30 Lunch
1:00 Introduction
Ron Haskins, Brookings Institution  

Policy Presentations
Margy Waller, Brookings: Policy History and Current Proposals (ppt)
Jeff Lubell, Center for Housing Policy: Family Self Sufficiency Program (HUD) (ppt)
Marty Schwartz, Vehicles for Change and Peter Kilde, Jumpstart: Policy Recommendations from the field (ppt)
Moderator – Ron Haskins, Brookings Institution


2:30 Conclude