Around 40 participants gathered at a workshop in Berlin to discuss aid effectiveness. Convened on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and organized by the Development Policy Forum InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany and the Wolfensohn Center for Development at Brookings Institution, the group comprised officials from partner countries, bilateral and multilateral aid agencies, non-DAC bilaterals, the private NGO sector and think tanks from the North and South.
The diversity of the group reflects the changing and increasingly diverse landscape that is reshaping the key issues in aid effectiveness. It is a landscape characterized by heterogeneity of partner countries (fragile states, geostrategic states, LDCs, HIPCs), proliferation of development partners (emerging development partners and non-DAC bilaterals, vertical funds, private sector and foundations), expansion of modalities of aid delivery and broadening of the range of issues to be considered in the chain linking aid effectiveness, development cooperation and engagement and development results.
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