Apr 17, 2000 -


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Election Etiquette: Contradiction In Terms?

Monday, April 17 -
The Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

etiquette_rev2.gifIn honor of the 2000 election edition of The Little Book of Campaign Etiquette, the Brookings Institution has organized a panel of pundits to assess the present nasty state of presidential politics.

Authored by Brookings Senior Fellow, Stephen Hess, The Little Book of Campaign Etiquette has been revised and updated just in time for the 2000 campaign. This shrewd and amusing series of observations suggests a political etiquette for campaign behavior on the part of both politicians and journalists. Organized alphabetically under such headings as Advertising, Bias, Cyberpolitics, Disclosure, Families, Lying, Money, Sex Scandals, and Talk Radio, the forty-one brief essays by Hess examine common campaign practices and ways in which the electoral system breaks down, then recommends preventive or corrective action through a few clear rules. With its broad coverage of campaign-related topics and its sensible suggestions, this book provides a useful corrective for practices that are dishonest, downright illegal, or sometimes just endlessly irritating.

Brookings invites you to join an all-star panel of veteran observers in the discussion assessing the politicians and the press in the current presidential campaign.