With the rapid evolution of mobile technology, the government and commercial mobile providers are looking to maximize how to use spectrum. One potential solution is increased spectrum sharing between federal and nonfederal users, as well as between licensed and unlicensed services. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has authorized a database to protect licensed television stations from harmful interference, and proposes that this database approach will serve as a basis for spectrum sharing in other bands as well.
On May 5, the Center for Technology Innovation will host a panel of experts to discuss spectrum sharing and the significance of competition within communications services. What successes and challenges has the FCC experienced in attempting to facilitate best practice spectrum sharing? What does the future of spectrum sharing hold as the use of mobile technology expands and demand for spectrum grows?
May 5
CANCELLED: Spectrum sharing and the FCC
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
On May 5, the Center for Technology Innovation will host a panel of experts to discuss spectrum sharing, net neutrality, and the significance of competition within communications services.