The Brookings-CUNY Project, in collaboration with the Center for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies of Skopje, organized a lecture series, held in Macedonia, Albania and Bulgaria, to raise visibility to the worldwide problem of internal displacement and focus attention on the Balkans region. Audiences included government officials, international organizations, regional organizations, international, regional and national military and police, non-governmental organizations, academics, experts and students. TV, radio and newspapers featured the series.
Entitled “Exodus Within Borders: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,” the Skopje portion was co-sponsored by the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research of St. Cyril and Methodius University, UNHCR Skopje, and the Open Society Institute; the Bulgaria portion was co-sponsored by UNHCR Sofia, the Bulgarian Red Cross, the Refugee Agency, and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee; and the Albanian portion was hosted by the Center for Refugee and Migration Studies, Tirana.
The Macedonia portion featured Roberta Cohen who gave the opening address, Walter Kaelin (University of Bern), Bill Frelick (US Committee for Refugees), Marc Vincent (Norwegian Refugee Council Global IDP Project), Francois Stamm (ICRC), Walpurga Engelbrecht and Guillermo Bettocchi (UNHCR), Vandana Patel (Commission for Real Property Claims in Bosnia), Elsa Ballauri (Albanian Human Rights Group), Simon Bagshaw (Office of the Representative of the Secretary-General on IDPs, Geneva), Theodore Orlin (University of Pristina, Kosovo), Claudio Delfabro (Legal Aid and Information Centres in Bosnia), and Alision Jolly (OSCE Mission in Kosovo). Walter Kaelin and Theodore Orlin then continued on and lectured in Tirana Albania, and Roberta Cohen lectured in Sofia, Bulgaria. Proceedings from the Macedonia segment are available by email at [email protected]