1:00 pm EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
Past Event
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
399 Park Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, New York
Since launching in September 2014, the Collaborative for Harnessing Ambition and Resources for Girls’ Education (CHARGE) has brought together over 50 organizations to champion work in five priority areas important for accelerating progress. New evidence will be shared from a book by co-authors Gene Sperling and Rebecca Winthrop on what works to accelerate progress in five priority areas. In particular, the ways in which education can empower girls to play leadership roles in society will be discussed by developing country leaders in the field.
On September 29, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings and the Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings Initiative invite you to join a discussion on new evidence and approaches in this field. The event will provide a sneak peek of the new book What Works in Girls’ Education: Evidence for the World’s Best Investment, a rigorous review of the latest evidence and strategies that work to reach the 62 million girls around the world who are without an education. It will also explore innovative models for cultivating women’s leadership in girls’ education, a crucial element for accelerating progress.
After each discussion, panelists will take audience questions.
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Scott R. Anderson, Vanda Felbab-Brown, Jeffrey Feltman, Caren Grown, Michael Hansen, George Ingram, Thomas Pepinsky, Anthony F. Pipa, Ghulam Omar Qargha, Molly E. Reynolds, Sweta Shah, Landry Signé
February 4, 2025
Mohamed Abdiweli Ahmed, Betty Kibaara, Kevin Watkins, Homi Kharas, Juliana Tângari, Nicola Okero, Veronica Schoj, Liesbet Steer
February 3, 2025
Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly, Esther Lee Rosen
December 20, 2024