

12:00 pm EST - 12:00 pm EST

Past Event

A Vision for the Future IMF and the Nature of Power within It

  • Friday, January 18, 2008

    12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EST

The Brookings Institution

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Brookings and Centre for Global Governance Innovation (CIGI) hosted a governance seminar where Colin Bradford, Nonresident Senior Fellow at Brookings and CIGI, explained that his paper, “A Vision for the Future IMF and the Nature of Power within It,” explores the concept of soft power reform within the IMF. He argued that the Fund’s member countries can actively enhance their role within the institution by means of soft power reform while also reestablishing the role of the IMF as the leading global financial institution.

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More about the Brookings-CIGI Global Governance Seminar Series

The Brookings-CIGI global governance seminar series features discussion of critical governance issues with Washington-based officials from industrial countries and emerging market economies, particularly representatives from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank delegations, embassies and leading think tank experts. The seminar series began in 2005 and discussions are considered off-the-record. Each seminar is jointly hosted by Brookings and the Centre for Global Governance Innovation (CIGI) based in Waterloo, Canada.