


2:00 pm EDT - 3:45 pm EDT

Past Event

A new trade agenda for the Americas

  • Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    2:00 pm - 3:45 pm EDT

Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC

The global trading system is undergoing fundamental changes. While World Trade Organization members continue to work towards an agreement tailored to the exigencies of 21st century commerce, countries are focusing their attention on new regional trade and investment initiatives. In particular, some mega-regional trade agreements currently under negotiation have the potential to reshape the global trade landscape in years to come. As this new architecture emerges, the Western Hemisphere finds itself without a coherent vision to promote integration. Many observers believe that political differences within the region stand in the way of region-wide initiatives. However, the emergence of new drivers of trade integration beyond tariffs and other traditional market access issues—in particular, in the area of trade facilitation measures—present opportunities for a renewed strategic vision to promote integration in the Americas. The moment is therefore right for a dialogue on the future of trade in the Americas to address key challenges and discuss policy frameworks that could strengthen the region’s economic connectivity in a pragmatic yet powerful way.

On April 12, the Brookings Global-CERES Economic and Social Policy in Latin America Initiative (ESPLA) and the Integration and Trade Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank hosted a panel discussion on the future of trade in the Americas. 


  • April 12
    • Panelists

      Antoni Estevadeordal
      Antoni Estevadeordal Former Senior Executive - Inter-American Development Bank, Former Brookings Expert
      Miguel Braun Secretary of Commerce - Argentina
      Daniel Godinho Secretary for Trade - Brazil
      Kenneth Hyatt Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade - U.S. Department of Commerce
      Jhon Fonseca Vice Minister of Trade - Costa Rica
      Magali Silva Minister of Commerce, Foreign Trade, and Tourism - Peru
    • Introductory remarks

      Ernesto Talvi Former Brookings Expert
    • Special remarks

      Francisco Cabrera Minister of Production - Argentina
    • Moderator

      Antoni Estevadeordal
      Antoni Estevadeordal Former Senior Executive - Inter-American Development Bank, Former Brookings Expert