In an increasingly competitive world, the United States faces a wide range of security challenges. While China and Russia are the primary focus of the nation’s defense planning, other long-term challenges such as counterterrorism, North Korea, and Iran are still important priorities, too. To address these and other challenges, the armed forces must not only ensure the highest levels of readiness today, but also make investments to deter the threats of tomorrow.
On September 13, Brookings hosted General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for a sweeping conversation with Senior Fellow Michael O’Hanlon on the state of American defense, military modernization, the state of the all-volunteer force, the implementation of the National Defense Strategy, and what new approaches the Pentagon under Secretary Lloyd Austin will take in tackling these issues. They also reflected on General Hyten’s long, distinguished career as he approaches retirement later this year.
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