
The Network Society

From Knowledge to Policy

Gustavo Cardoso and Manuel Castells
Release Date: February 14, 2006

The world stands at the crossroads of development of the network society. Yet current social systems stall the dynamics of creativity. Is government ready to accept democracy of communication? Are economics players aware of the need to redefine property rights? Jorge Sampaio, President of the Portugese Republic, invited prominent researchers and politicians from the U.S., EU and South America to examine the opportunities and challenges of the network society—and to offer recommendations for policy.

Contributors include Jorge Sampaio (president of the Portugese Republic), Manuel Castells (UCLA), Gustavo Cardoso (CIES/ISCTE, Portugal), Dale W. Jorgenson (Harvard University), Khuong M.Vu (Suffolk University), Luc Soete (UNU-INTECH and MERIT), Jane Fountain (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), James Katz (Rutgers University), Betty Collis (University of Twente, The Netherlands), Geoff Mulgan (Institute of Community Studies, London), Marcelo Branco (Brazilian Information Society), Jonathan Taplin (Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California), Imma Tubella (Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona), François Bar (Annenberg School for Communication, USC), Hernan Galperin (Annenberg School for Communication, USC), Jeff Cole (Annenberg School for Communication, USC),William Mitchell (MIT), Erkki Liikanen (Bank of Finland), Pekka Himanen (Helsinki Institute for Information Society and University of California, Berkeley), Carlos Alvarez (secretary of state for the economy, Chile), and Maria João Rodrigues (ISCTE, University of Lisbon).
