Hatch-Waxman at 40


Hatch-Waxman at 40


What Ashton Carter Has Written for Brookings

President Obama reportedly plans to nominate former Defense official Ashton Carter as the new secretary of defense, replacing Chuck Hagel. Carter, who holds a doctorate in theoretical physics, was previously the Pentagon’s deputy secretary (2011-13) and undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics (2009-11).

prevdefDr. Carter contributed to two Brookings Institution Press books about defense and security. He co-authored with William J. Perry—who served as secretary of defense from 1994-97—Preventive Defense: A New Security Strategy for America (1999) and co-authored with then-Brookings expert John D. Steinbruner, as well as Perry, A New Concept of Cooperative Security (1992).

Senior Fellow Michael O’Hanlon told CNN this week that Carter’s “career has sort of prepared him perfectly for this kind of a moment.” O’Hanlon, the Sydney Stein, Jr. Chair in International Security, added that “On paper and in terms of his resume and preparation you probably couldn’t do much better.”

Then-Undersecretary Carter also delivered a keynote at a Brookings event in 2011 on defense budgets, American power, and the National Security Industrial Base. Audio and transcripts are available here.