

Will Obama’s New Budget Eclipse 2,400 Pages? Brookings Data Now

In this edition of Brookings Data Now: the president’s huge budget document, and how to read it; American schools behind in offering computer programming; spending on college financial aid; the (relatively) low cost of providing basic education to all children in 46 countries; Russia’s share of European natural gas is rising.


Number of pages in President Obama’s 2013 federal budget

Learn more about how to read President Obama’s new budget, due out next week.

< 10%

Less than 10 percent of U.S. schools offer computer programming classes

Japanese students must take a 35-hour course in computer science and programming to graduate from high school.

$173 billion

What was spent on college student financial aid for academic year 2011-12

Find out what one scholar writes about more efficient ways to spend this money.

$26 billion

Cost of providing basic education to all children in 46 low- and middle-income countries

This is about 4 percent of the U.S. defense budget, or about half the amount spent on the Sochi Olympics.


Russia’s share of European natural gas supplies

This is a historical high.

Mingwei Ma contributed to this post.