The inaugural Tony Judt Lecture on Europe: Charles King on political ideas in the 21st century


The inaugural Tony Judt Lecture on Europe: Charles King on political ideas in the 21st century
Guest Author

Matt Kasman

Assistant Research Director – Center on Social Dynamics and Policy

Matt Kasman is the Assistant Research Director at the Brookings Institution Center on Social Dynamics and Policy. He received his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Boston University and, after working for software startups that were sold to Microsoft, Google, and Blackbaud, obtained a Masters in Politics and Education from Columbia University. He received his doctorate in Educational Policy at Stanford University in 2014. His dissertation explores how policy interacts with geography and decision-making to generate patterns in student enrollment over time in a large urban school district. Through both his doctoral research and work at Brookings he has gained extensive experience in applying complex systems approaches to educational policy analysis, public health topics, and biological systems. His current research interests include childhood obesity prevention efforts, food systems, literacy development, social diffusion, school choice, affirmative action in higher education, teacher labor markets, educational equity, tobacco regulatory policy, and adaptive decision-making.

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