The 2024 US presidential election and the future of multilateralism


The 2024 US presidential election and the future of multilateralism
Katharine Stevens, AEI
Guest Author

Katharine B. Stevens

Founder and CEO – Center on Child and Family Policy (CCFP)

Katharine B. Stevens is founder and CEO of the Center on Child and Family Policy (CCFP). Prior to launching CCFP, she served for more than six years as a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), directing AEI’s early-childhood program. Before joining AEI, Dr. Stevens founded and led Teachers for Tomorrow, one of the first teacher-apprenticeship programs in the United States, which recruited and trained teachers for New York City’s lowest-performing schools. Her publications include Renewing Childhood’s Promise: The History and Future of Federal Early Care and Education Policy; Does Pre-K Work?: The Research on Ten Early Childhood Programs—And What It Tells Us; and Still Left Behind: How America’s Schools Keep Failing Our Children; and she is a contributor to Robert Doar’s edited volume, A Safety Net That Works: Improving Federal Programs for Low-Income Americans.

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