The future of US climate policy: Issues at stake in the 2024 election


The future of US climate policy: Issues at stake in the 2024 election
Jonathan Rothwell

Jonathan Rothwell

Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Metro

Jonathan Rothwell is Gallup’s principal economist, where he researches and publishes on a broad range of social science topics and advises Gallup clients and associates on research questions and analytics, particularly in the areas of higher education, job quality, the effects of trade and technology on the labor market, and entrepreneurship. Rothwell is author of the book “A Republic of Equals: A Manifesto for a Just Society,” which is about the causes of income inequality and how political equality can mitigate its extreme forms. It was published by Princeton University Press. Rothwell is also a visiting scholar at the George Washington Institute of Public Policy.  

While at Gallup, Rothwell’s scholarly publications have included an analysis of who supported various presidential candidates during the 2016 election, the causes of slowing U.S. productivity growth, the effect of trade competition on regional economic outcomes, and the validity of using consumer ratings to assess colleges. He has also published several articles about the economic and social consequences of COVID-19, including partisan polarization, how information affects consumer behavior and policy preferences, and how disease-suppression policies affected job losses around the world. In collaboration with Andre Perry and other Brookings scholars, Rothwell has been actively involved in research studying the assets of majority-Black neighborhoods and the social factors that predict healthy lives for Black Americans. His most recent work focuses on the causes of adolescent mental health, and the personality and management practices of entrepreneurs. 

Before joining Gallup, Rothwell was a fellow at Brookings Metro. Rothwell frequently published research on issues such as trade; innovation; zoning and housing markets; education; college quality; the supply and demand for skills; residential segregation by income, race and ethnicity; and the causes of income inequality. Rothwell was a regular contributor to Social Mobility Memos, the Brookings blog on social mobility, and contributed to The New York Times’ The Upshot from 2017 until 2020. In 2015, Rothwell was commissioned by the National Academies of Science to define “skilled technical work.” 


Rothwell graduated from Princeton University with a doctorate in public affairs. 

  • Current Positions

    • Principal Economist, Gallup
    • Contributor, New York Times Upshot column
    • Visiting Scholar, George Washington University Institute of Public
    • Consultant, ATA Health Strategies
  • Past Positions

    • Fellow, Brookings Metro
    • Associate Fellow, Brookings Metro
    • Senior Research Analyst, Brookings Metro
    • Teaching Assistant, Race and Public Policy, Princeton University
  • Education

    • Ph.D. Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
    • M.A. Economics, New School
    • M.A. Clinical Psychology, Duquesne University
    • B.S. Psychology, Biological and Evolutionary Concentration, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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