Tonight, President Barack Obama delivered his penultimate State of the Union address, his first to a Congress controlled entirely by the Republican Party. Freshman Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa delivered the official GOP response. Before, during and after the speech, tweets and links from Brookings experts have been posted here and updated as they happened. Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. (EST), join Brookings experts Bill Galston, Mark Muro, and Elaine Kamarck in a live online analysis of the issues highlighted and overlooked.
Read Galston’s reaction piece here.
If every policy debate had the tone and language of POTUS & @SenJoniErnst tonight, we would have a much calmer politics.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
I don’t envy anyone who has to give the speech Joni Ernst has to give right Tonight. But I don’t think this will be her breakthrough moment.
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 21, 2015
Keystone XL or Not: How Does America Move Oil Now? #sotu #kxl @AdieTomer @jwkane1
— Robert Puentes (@rpuentes) January 21, 2015
I’m curious if the people who argued Obama’s #SOTU was devoid of real foreign policy content think Ernst’s response has specifics.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 21, 2015
Ernst playing up Washington dysfunction and failed Obama policies – themes that helped GOP newcomers like her in Nov.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
Mixed feelings on #SOTU. Good on trade, growing economy, some other domestic parts. A bit too rosy on foreign policy challenges imo.
— Tom Wright (@thomaswright08) January 21, 2015
Can someone show me data as to why Republicans think Keystone is a political winner for them?
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
The first concrete proposal Ernst will mention is Keystone. Obama didn’t even say the word “Keystone” in his #SOTU.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 21, 2015
10:26 pm: Sen. Joni Ernst (IA) delivers the official GOP response.
There is no news. The press has had the speech for a while. There is only “reaction”—nearly all of it based on talking points from before.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 21, 2015
I expected @BarackObama to spend more time discussing trade deals and immigration — two areas ripe for action w Congress. #SOTU
— William Antholis (@wjantholis) January 21, 2015
Middle Class economics appear to be @BarackObama sweet spot. Still, very little there for bipartisan action. Buckle your seat belts.
— William Antholis (@wjantholis) January 21, 2015
My #SOTU scorecard: 2/3. He asked for #AUMF on #ISIS, repeated his argument on #Iran sanctions, but didn’t mention Palestinian-Israeli peace
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
Obama in his #SOTU right now reminds me of Walt Whitman’s vision of America in Song of Myself.
— Kathy Moon (@KathyHSMoon) January 21, 2015
Now it’s up to Joni Ernst to deliver a one-liner better than “I know because I won both of them.”
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
10:10 pm: “My fellow Americans, we too are a strong, tight-knit family. We, too, have made it through some hard times. Fifteen years into this new century, we have picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off, and begun again the work of remaking America. We’ve laid a new foundation. A brighter future is ours to write. Let’s begin this new chapter – together – and let’s start the work right now.”
The right to vote is sacred, but the financially insecure are less likely to exercise that right
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 21, 2015
Taunter in Chief: @BarackObama responds to applause about having no more campaigns: “I know because I won both of them.” #StateOfTheUnion
— William Antholis (@wjantholis) January 21, 2015
Striking how much of Obama’s foreign policy is still defined in opposition to Bush. In other words, we’re stuck at “don’t do stupid stuff.”
— Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) January 21, 2015
Obama reminding me of late Tony Blair tonight. Some swagger, some disappointment, but still a bruised hope for something better. #SOTU
— Richard V. Reeves (@RichardvReeves) January 21, 2015
POTUS talks crime & violence.Discussion is not gun control, but criminal justice reform. The actual avenue for bipartisanship on issue #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
#SOTU shows a president confident in himself, his ideas, achievemehis, his country and its place in the world. .
— Kathy Moon (@KathyHSMoon) January 21, 2015
#POTUS continues to underscore -as he has in practically every #SOTU– that the best foreign policy is to strengthen the US domestically
— Arturo Sarukhan (@Arturo_Sarukhan) January 21, 2015
Obama “I served in Congress with many of you” Fun Fact. He served with less than half of current Senate.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama illustrates that our country is still moving forward on civil rights #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 21, 2015
Oh, excellent! Naive, post-partisan Obama returns. Just what everyone was looking for & still believes in #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Nice shot by @BarackObama against dark money. Fits nicely with my @Billionaires book | @BrookingsInst #SOTU
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
Join @EKamarck, @MarkMuro1, and me for a live video discussion of #SOTU2015 tomorrow morning:
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 21, 2015
No one loves when Obama brings up the Democratic National Convention in Boston like Secretary Kerry #Whoops #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama is not just relaxed & confident w this text, he seems to be having a good time. #SOTU
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
9:59 pm: “You know, just over a decade ago, I gave a speech in Boston where I said there wasn’t a liberal America, or a conservative America; a black America or a white America – but a United States of America. I said this because I had seen it in my own life, in a nation that gave someone like me a chance; because I grew up in Hawaii, a melting pot of races and customs; because I made Illinois my home – a state of small towns, rich farmland, and one of the world’s great cities; a microcosm of the country where Democrats and Republicans and Independents, good people of every ethnicity and every faith, share certain bedrock values.”
#SOTU “It’s time to close GITMO.” Congress needs to let cases be tried in US if we are to lead by our values.
— Ted Piccone (@piccone_ted) January 21, 2015
I don’t really recognize the Middle East Obama is talking about here. He’s not really talking abt the Mideast. He’s talking abt us.
— Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) January 21, 2015
Obama’s historic reference to lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender rights as part of human rights gets strong Dem applause in chamber. #SOTU
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
Good to see #ClimateChange mentioned as not only an #environmental risk, but a national #security risk #SOTU
— Charles Ebinger (@CharlesEbinger) January 21, 2015
#SOTU on #hacking focuses on vulnerability of American families if Congress doesn’t pass laws. No mention of #NorthKorea as threat.
— Kathy Moon (@KathyHSMoon) January 21, 2015
Obama links climate change to increased future migration. Attempt to scare nativists into combating climate change? #SOTU
— Jill H Wilson (@JillHWilson) January 21, 2015
Nice #SOTU defense of free speech, religion, and gender issues
— Dan Byman (@dbyman) January 21, 2015
#SOTU Obama gets that smart targeted sanctions can work in #Iran, #Russia, but general embargo #Cuba punishes innocents, excuses repression.
— Ted Piccone (@piccone_ted) January 21, 2015
The most aggressive Pres. #Obama has ever been: you guys said my economic policies wouldn’t work — and they worked.
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 21, 2015
And here’s my recent carbon tax proposal…as long as we’re talking about climate change @BrookingInst
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 21, 2015
RT @ChuckGrassley: The few Dems who applauded when Obama said he’d veto Iran Sanctions bill shows we wld be able to override the veto
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) January 21, 2015
Boehner not clapping on climate change.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 21, 2015
9:54 pm: “I’ve heard some folks try to dodge the evidence by saying they’re not scientists; that we don’t have enough information to act. Well, I’m not a scientist, either. But you know what – I know a lot of really good scientists at NASA, and NOAA, and at our major universities. The best scientists in the world are all telling us that our activities are changing the climate, and if we do not act forcefully, we’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods, and massive disruptions that can trigger greater migration, conflict, and hunger around the globe. The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security. We should act like it.”
FINALLY, POTUS starts talking maritime dispute resolution. The reason we’ve all been sitting here #SOTU.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Its been a long time since POTUS has been trumpeting foreign policy & events in the world. GOP not sold, but his confidence is renewed #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama turns attention to Cuba. Supporters of embargo repeal now passing out cigars in statuary hall. #SOTU POTUS now invokes His Holiness
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
It’s really time that someone steps back and issues a State of the State of the Union. It’s not strong. #sosotu
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 21, 2015
POTUS says US “strong and united with Allies” vs #Russia over #Ukraine. True, but should do more to assist Kyiv, push back vs Russia. #SOTU
— Steven Pifer (@steven_pifer) January 21, 2015
POTUS asking Congress to give him authority on foreign policy with #AUMF against #ISIS. Weird ask for emperor who issue edicts. #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
POTUS in #SOTU seems more bullish on moderate Syrian opposition that facts on ground warrant
— Dan Byman (@dbyman) January 21, 2015
Obama rightly calls for hunting terrorists…good news that threat from foreign fighters less than assumed. See
— Dan Byman (@dbyman) January 21, 2015
9:44 pm: “My first duty as Commander-in-Chief is to defend the United States of America. In doing so, the question is not whether America leads in the world, but how. When we make rash decisions, reacting to the headlines instead of using our heads; when the first response to a challenge is to send in our military – then we risk getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts, and neglect the broader strategy we need for a safer, more prosperous world. That’s what our enemies want us to do.”
#SOTU middle class econ = helping working families. Child care is a must have. And 7 days paid sick leave, new min wage. Winning issues.
— Isabel Sawhill (@isawhill) January 21, 2015
#SOTU cap gains tax, hikes on wealthy are GOP nonstarters, but comprehensive tax reform has middle ground for compromise b/w WH & Cong #SOTU
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
Nice shoutout for US space program. #nasa is cheering that line. @BrookingsGov
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
Obama talking about corporate tax fairness to close off loopholes to bring jobs home. Mixed reaction from GOP. No reaction from Boehner.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
#SOTU “World needs open internet” including #Cuba. US telecom companies can now enter Cuban market. Will Castros let them in?
— Ted Piccone (@piccone_ted) January 21, 2015
Obama’s tone is uplifting, conveys hope. Probably the voice America wants to hear, regardless of what they want to hear on policy #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama wants faster and open Internet. Check out out TechTank blog for analysis of tech policy. @BrookingsGov
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
Based on reax, a small but surprising enthusiasm for trade promotion authority. Smaller but even more vocal opposition to trade deals.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 21, 2015
9:41 pm: “Now, the truth is, when it comes to issues like infrastructure and basic research, I know there’s bipartisan support in this chamber. Members of both parties have told me so.”
Much stronger case for trade from Obama this year than last. Bravo. #sotu
— Tom Wright (@thomaswright08) January 21, 2015
Most bipartisan part of @sotu is focus on trade. May be one thing @SpeakerBoehner likes! @BrookingsGov
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
Al Franken sits for the trade-promotion standing ovation, but nods, impressed, at the response.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
Trade negotiation is an area that presents real opportunities for compromise between the administration and GOP congress. #SOTU
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
U.S. #AdvIndustries will be critical anchor of any “middle class economics” @Bruce_Katz @BrookingsMetro
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 21, 2015
Obama speech sounds less like a @sotu and more like opening wave of 2016 campaign. @BrookingsGov . Big on themes.
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
9:36 pm: “21st century businesses need 21st century infrastructure – modern ports, stronger bridges, faster trains and the fastest internet. Democrats and Republicans used to agree on this. So let’s set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline. Let’s pass a bipartisan infrastructure plan that could create more than thirty times as many jobs per year, and make this country stronger for decades to come.”
Obama turns attention to VA needs. Better management won’t be much of a focus in this speech–should be in the White House #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama’s free-CC idea is the lab of democracy working: Idea worked out TN and Chicago, then federalized
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 21, 2015
Obama says need free community college and mentions Tennessee, to learn more read @brookignsmetro TN report
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 21, 2015
Here’s a post on the Tennessee Promise, a model for Obama’s free CC concept @BillHaslam @Dogfencepeddler
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 21, 2015
9:31 pm: “That’s why I am sending this Congress a bold new plan to lower the cost of community college – to zero.”
POTUS must do more than proclaim rebounding economy “is good news.” Americans have to FEEL better off for it to count (especially in 2016)
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
POTUS must do more than proclaim rebounding economy “is good news.” Americans have to FEEL better off for it to count (especially in 2016)
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
Obama: We are the only advanced country on earth that doesn’t guarantee paid sick leave or #maternity leave. #SOTU #FMLA
— Jill H Wilson (@JillHWilson) January 21, 2015
Obama is doing a great job of being on the offense…Republicans look bad not clapping for equal pay for women #SOTU
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 21, 2015
The #SOTU sounds more like a campaign speech than an address to Congress. Will bother GOP, namely bc it’s Obama at his strongest.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
One 2016 ad could just show GOP masses failing to clap when POTUS mentions low taxes for middle class& women needing help w child care #SOTU
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
My thoughts @BrookingsInst on what @WhiteHouse needs to be doing on #energy, #climate policy: #SOTU
— Charles Ebinger (@CharlesEbinger) January 21, 2015
9:25 pm: “So what does middle-class economics require in our time?”
Obama says govt shouldn’t just “Do no harm.” Trust me, if Hippocrates was responsible for US govt, he wouldve found the nearest hemlock fast
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
In light of events in the Middle East, “tonight, we turn the page” sounds a bit detached. But, of course, this isn’t a foreign policy SOTU.
— Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) January 21, 2015
#SOTU “The verdict is clear. Middle-class economics works.” Read @BillGalston post on why middle class growth matters
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
Obama certainly seems to be enjoying himself at the podium #SOTU. Helps that the recent news is good and his poll ratings are up.
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) January 21, 2015
9:21 pm: “So the verdict is clear. Middle-class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way. We can’t slow down businesses or put our economy at risk with government shutdowns or fiscal showdowns. We can’t put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance, or unraveling the new rules on Wall Street, or refighting past battles on immigration when we’ve got a system to fix. And if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, it will earn my veto.”
In not shocking news: GOP fails to clap for extended like on CFPB and ACA. #SOTU2015
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama crediting the American people with the recovery. Not him, not Dems, Not GOP. Big change from “You didn’t build this” #SOTU2015
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Here, here to bagging the “checklist of proposals.” It’s time to head for high ground and reframing.
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) January 21, 2015
“The shadow of crisis has passed & the state of the union is strong” Ford was only prez to diverge from this rhetoric
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
More imp than people think: Will we allow ourselves to be sorted into factions and turned against one another? #SOTU2015
— Audrey Singer (@audsinger) January 21, 2015
Not even a hint of concern about out year deficits in Obama’s #SOTU.
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) January 21, 2015
Obama begins with economy, right now the wind beneath his wings #BetteMiddlerInCongress #SOTU2015
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
9:14 pm: “The shadow of crisis has passed.”
Alan Gross in the gallery for #SOTU. A great moment for freedom and hope for Cubans.
— Martin Indyk (@Martin_Indyk) January 21, 2015
Obama declares crisis over. #sotu #whitehouse
— Darrell West (@darrwest) January 21, 2015
9:11 pm: “Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999. Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis. More of our kids are graduating than ever before; more of our people are insured than ever before; we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we’ve been in almost 30 years.”
As a fan of lilac, I’m a huge supporter of @SpeakerBoehner‘s tie tonight at #SOTU2015. #FashionCritForMales
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Now that the speech is online in its entirety, will people really sit through the whole thing just so they can see what gets the applause?
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 21, 2015
Pres. #Obama asking Congress for an #AUMF, but still won’t say what he wants in it. @benjaminwittes @jacklgoldsmith
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
President Obama to mention @Pontifex Pope Francis in #SOTU when talking abuot #Cuba “diplomacy is the work of “small steps.”
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 21, 2015
9:06 pm: President Obama has entered the House chamber.
MSNBC lamenting that there’s no long “bipartisan dating” at the #SOTU2015 where Ds & Rs sit together….but it was doing so much good…
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
Obama to pose the critical #SOTU question: “Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?”
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 21, 2015
#SOTU irony: “Six years ago, nearly 180,000 American troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, fewer than 15,000 remain.”
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) January 21, 2015
For those with limited interest in the #SOTU, I propose—as an alternative—a nice breezy #insteadofSOTU discussion of Proust.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 21, 2015
Designated Survivor tonight is Transportation Sect’y Foxx. In a morbid way, President Obama’s way of bequeathing better infrastructure to US
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
8:45 pm: Who will be the cabinent official designated to stay away tonight?
There’ll be 5 GOP responses tonight. @SenJoniErnst‘s will be the primary one. I predict a strong response from Ernst, flubs to be elsewhere
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 21, 2015
state of unions in U.S. not strong but Michelle and Barack are great role models after 23 years. Congrats to you both!
— Isabel Sawhill (@isawhill) January 21, 2015
POTUS will talk middle class stagnation in #SOTU. Follow @BillGalston and @RichardvReeves for enlightened commentary on inequality, mobility
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 21, 2015
#SOTU, expect side drama pitting #cuba dissidents against each other. But real story is Obama’s historic play to try new approach
— Ted Piccone (@piccone_ted) January 21, 2015
Hope Obama provides compelling framing of ISIL threat tonight and relates it to other priorities; Otherwise extreme right will do it for him
— Shibley Telhami (@ShibleyTelhami) January 21, 2015
Hope Obama provides compelling framing of ISIL threat tonight and relates it to other priorities; Otherwise extreme right will do it for him
— Shibley Telhami (@ShibleyTelhami) January 21, 2015
Excited to see what Obama says about #immigration during the #SOTU. Stay tuned for my thoughts.
— Neil G. Ruiz (@neil_ruiz) January 20, 2015
The only thing I’m genuinely curious about in tonight’s State Of The Union is how Obama talks about trade, esp Trade Promotion Authority
— Tom Wright (@thomaswright08) January 20, 2015
Remember pundits, stretch at least 10 mins before #SOTU2015 begins. Livetweet-related injuries heal slower in cold weather.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 20, 2015
Expect to hear about #taxreform in tonight’s #SOTU. Here are some attainable goals that both parties can agree on:
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 20, 2015
Economic challenge, executive action, equality of opportunity key features of #SOTU 2014
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 20, 2015
From @BrookingsGov‘s #FixGov team: best of luck tonight to @BarackObama & @SenJoniErnst on delivering two of politics’ biggest speeches.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 20, 2015
Obama’s ‘striptease’ State of the Union #SOTU2015. My thoughts @FT
— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 20, 2015
#SOTU tonight: Will @BarackObama call for a trade promotion bill to move swiftly thru Congress? #TPA + #TPP = #FairTrade. Stay tuned.
— Miriam E. Sapiro (@miriamsapiro) January 20, 2015
4:40 p.m.
Visit our #SOTU2015 Twitter list to find out which Brookings experts are tweeting about the event.
I’ll be livetweeting #SOTU2015 tonight, & I assume I’m the only one doing that. So, eyes up, public, this is your only chance to read snark
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 20, 2015
Thomas Mann says tonight’s speech reflects Obama’s “determination to make the most of the leverage for leadership available to him.”
Tamara Cofman Wittes doesn’t expect much foreign policy content in the speech, but offers her thoughts on three major topics.
Stuart Butler explains why he thinks Obama’s free community college idea is not a good idea.
Ted Piccone suggests that President Obama “will use his new Cuba policy as a leading example of how he intends to do business for the next two years—with bold strokes and big tent coalitions to secure his legacy, with or without Congress.”
Elaine Kamarck gathers the best and worst State of the Union moments from over the last 50 years.
Steve Hess, the principle drafter of President Eisenhower’s 1961 State of the Union speech, reflects on what that president hoped for as he left the oval office, and offers a presidential doodle.
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What Brookings Experts Said about Obama’s State of the Union Speech
January 20, 2015