

Brookings Today, 2/12/15

A roundup of some of the content published today at Brookings.

  • On Ukraine:
  • Student debt and emotional well-being. Beth Akers looks at data on the relationship between student loan debt and psychological well-being.
  • No privacy in health care industry. In the wake of the Anthem data hack, Niam Yaraghi and Josh Bleiberg show why the health care industry is particularly prone to hacking attacks.
  • Federal budget rules debate. William Galston looks at four federal budget rules, including dynamic scoring and biennial budgeting, that should be approached cautiously. 
  • U.K. devolution’s lessons for U.S. cities. Bruce Katz explains what the U.S. has to learn from Great Britain’s current experience with devolution reforms.
  • Greece and debt. Doug Elliott reflects on the potential outcomes of Greece’s negotiations with European funders on its debt.
  • Sunset on AGOA? Witney Schneidman warns that time “is running out” to renew the African Growth and Opportunity Act.
  • 8 facts on love, marriage, and childbearing. A collection of facts on what declining marriage rates in America mean for individuals, children, the economy, and society.