The Center for Health Policy has been archived and is no longer actively maintained.

The Brookings Institution is committed to developing innovative policy solutions to our nation’s most pressing challenges. The high costs and inadequate quality of health care in the United States continue to rank among the nation’s most critical domestic policy challenges. While much of the health care debate focuses on strategies to expand health insurance coverage, it is also essential to improve the health care delivery system and provide patients and their families with the high-quality, affordable health care services they need.

Established in 2007, the Center for Health Policy at Brookings is dedicated to providing practical solutions that achieve high-quality, innovative, and affordable health care throughout the United States. To achieve its mission, the Center conducts research, develops policy recommendations, and provides technical expertise to test and evaluate innovative health care strategies. Specifically, the Center focuses on:

CHARTING THE COURSE FOR MEDICARE by examining Medicare spending in the past and future, reviewing policy proposals and payment reform models through the Medicare delivery system, and developing a more robust evidence base to inform discussion around long-term care.

ASSESSING AND IMPROVING AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IMPLEMENTATION with a team of field researchers to examine how health reform is working at the state and local level, helping to develop concrete metrics for ACA performance to be used over time, and providing recommendations to federal and state stakeholders to improve various aspects of the law – the new health insurance marketplaces, consumer assistance, and Medicaid.

IMPROVING PRESCRIPTION DRUG PAYMENT AND INNOVATION, by investigating new drug reimbursement models that better align the incentives of patients, payers, and providers, while also bolstering drug market competition and increasing transparency.

REFORMING THE DELIVERY SYSTEM in a way that encourages the widespread adoption of practical, evidence-based strategies to improve population health and reduce health care costs.