Taking on tax: Modernizing partnership taxation


Taking on tax: Modernizing partnership taxation


Building a Strong, Independent DC Community College

November 20, 2009

A report commissioned by Greater Washington Research at Brookings and DC Appleseed underscores the need for a strong community college in the District of Columbia. The report, conducted by JBL Associates, recognizes the steps already taken by the new Community College of the District of Columbia (CCDC) and recommends that the city support CCDC in moving towards independence from the University of the District of Columbia, with its own administration, board of trustees, budget and academic accreditation. The report also proposes that CCDC create partnerships with one or more of the area’s community colleges in order to supplement its own programs and courses in its start-up years.

The report was the subject of a roundtable convened by Vincent C. Gray, Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia. The roundtable, “Implementation of an Independent Community College in the District of Columbia” included testimony from Brookings, JBL Associates, and DC Appleseed.