The Brookings Institution is the recipient of a top award from the Literary Market Place (LMP) for corporate excellence in book publishing, according to an announcement by Publications Director Robert L. Faherty. The prize — a crystal book sculpture — was given at the sixth annual LMP awards ceremony held at the New York Public Library on February 14.
The Brookings Press was commended for its publication during the last year of several outstanding
books on public policy issues. Among the titles cited were Balkan Tragedy by Susan L. Woodward;
National Standards in American Education by Diane Ravitch; Thickening Government by Paul C. Light;
How Russia Became a Market Economy by Anders Åslund; and Ownership and Control by Margaret M. Blair.
In accepting the award, Faherty said, “In an age when public discourse about policy issues so often degenerates to the brief, sometimes angry and misleading broadside or sound-byte, it is a privilege to be part of an organization that continues to value the well-reasoned, well-written, well-published scholarly book. Brookings’ books provide the underpinning for our scholars’ commentary on current issues and gives them the license to speak out with authority.”
The LMP Awards, established in 1989, recognize outstanding achievements by individuals and companies in the publishing industry. Previous winners of the award in the corporate scholarly category include Princeton University Press, the Free Press, and Harvard University Press.
The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to research, education, and
publication in economics, government, foreign policy, and the social sciences. Its principal purpose
is to bring knowledge to bear on the current and emerging public policy issues facing the American
people. The Brookings Press produces approximately 50 books each year as well as three issues of
the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity and the quarterly Brookings Review.