Metro Monitor 2023

Joseph Parilla and Glencora Haskins

February 2023

Metro Monitor 2023 provides the first comprehensive look of how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted inclusive growth across 192 U.S. metro areas with populations of at least 250,000. This data interactive provides decisionmakers in the nation’s largest metro areas with a roadmap to understand how their individual places performed during this period.

The Metro Monitor examines economic performance across five broad categories: growth, prosperity, overall inclusion, racial inclusion, and geographic inclusion. Each category is measured using three standardized indicators, such as employment rate, earnings, and poverty. To assess how the pandemic influenced inclusive growth, this analysis examines trends across those indicators over two time periods: pre-pandemic (2011 to 2019) and during the pandemic (2019 to 2021).

In the following interactives, local decisionmakers can view economic performance data on their individual places, both before the pandemic and during, and in comparison with other metro areas. Read the full analysis »

Metro Monitor Dashboard

Select a metro area from the dropdown to view economic performance data.

Select a metropolitan area


Metro Monitor Maps

Hover over each metro area for relevant data.


Brookings Metro would like to thank the Kresge Foundation and the Shared Prosperity Partnership for their generous support of this analysis.

