BPEA Fall 2024 Conference


BPEA Fall 2024 Conference
Inclusion and Diversity Header: Inclusion and Diversity at Brookings



The Brookings Institution is committed to championing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion across all aspects of our work. We recognize that to produce high-quality research that informs innovative, practical policy recommendations, we must strive for a workplace that represents diversity of experience, thought, and personal background.

Brookings strives to continuously offer an inclusive and welcoming workplace that values the experiences, ideas, and efforts of all contributors. This means ensuring that everyone is heard, appreciated, and empowered to fully participate in Brookings’s mission, and holding ourselves accountable whenever and wherever we can improve.

To that end, we publish annually our workplace and Board of Trustee demographics as we continue our journey towards greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. Since we began publishing this data in 2018, we have noted both exciting improvements and areas where continued, sustained effort is needed. Furthering this commitment, we have also identified goals for our community in these and other important areas.

While we will always have more to do, we remain optimistic that through hard work, transparency, and accountability, real progress on measures of diversity and inclusion can be achieved over the long term.



The source of this data is based on a questionnaire completed by all Brookings employees. The categories for race and gender are determined by the federal government for workforce reporting. The categories used for generation identification have been defined by Pew Research Center.

Generation Z: born 1997 to 2012
Millennial: born 1981 to 1996
Generation X: born 1965 to 1980
Baby Boomer: born 1946 to 1964
Silent Generation: born 1928 to 1945

The Numbers

As of July 1, 2023, our staff headcount was 410 employees, who are primarily located in Washington, DC. This includes:

Our Leadership Team (13): President and Vice Presidents
Our Fellows/Senior Fellows (103): Brookings Resident Scholars
Our Research Support (71): Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Analysts
Our Operational Teams (223): Central and program positions in Management, Operations, Communications, Development, Facilities, Finance and Investments, HR, Library, Legal, and Information Technology

This data does not include our nonresident scholars, as they are not employees.

The Data: Brookings Workforce Demographics

The Data

(Data labels may not sum to 100% due to rounding)

  • All Roles
  • Leadership
  • Fellows
  • Research
  • Operational
  • Board of Trustees


Gen Z
1 Gen X
1 Baby Boomer
1 Silent Gen


41 Female
21 Male


1 White
1 Asian
1 Black/African American
1 Hispanic/Latino
1 Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
1 American Indian/Native Alaskan
1 Two or More



New Hires

New hires data for 2023. 42% Gen Z, 44% Millenial, 11% Gen X, 3% Baby Boomer. 71% female, 29% male. 63% White, 13% Asian, 13% Black/African American, 7% Hispanic/Latino, 0% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 0% American Indian/Native Alaskan, 5% two or more. Total number of hires: 96. Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. New hires data for 2023. 42% Gen Z, 44% Millenial, 11% Gen X, 3% Baby Boomer. 71% female, 29% male. 63% White, 13% Asian, 13% Black/African American, 7% Hispanic/Latino, 0% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 0% American Indian/Native Alaskan, 5% two or more. Total number of hires: 96. Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
How We’re Improving: ‘Leadership in Underrepresented Fields’ Panel

How We're Improving

Recent Highlights

Core Commitments

The Brookings Inclusion and Diversity Committee was formed in 2016. The committee consists of 26 staff members at all levels – from early career to executive – with representatives from business units, research programs, and employee networks. Members serve as ambassadors and liaisons to their teams and are the thought leaders behind the work we do. The committee’s mission is to advance the strategic priority on inclusion, equity, and diversity at Brookings through:

  • Supporting and promoting work by Brookings researchers on race, justice, and equity.
  • Prioritizing gender, racial, and other forms of diversity in all Brookings events. This includes seeking to avoid “all male” panels and ensuring that invited speakers and panelists represent a variety of perspectives and backgrounds related to the topics being discussed.
  • Providing training opportunities aimed at building both fundamental, shared competencies, and responding to evolving needs. Together, these offerings equip employees to build an inclusive and respectful workplace. Embedding inclusion, equity, and diversity in our human resources practices, including the regular analysis of the recruitment and selection processes.
  • Continuing to leverage our jobs framework to ensure equitable and consistent treatment across the Institution.
  • Celebrating the diversity of our staff through Heritage Months and other cultural observances and supporting Affinity Groups that provide employee-led programming and engagement opportunities for staff around shared identities.

Priorities for the Year Ahead

Over the next year, we are committed to building on our existing work and to continuing to advance our core commitments. In addition, we are prioritizing the following activities in the year ahead:

Engaging staff in advancing DEI goals via working groups

Staff working groups provide opportunities for employees to engage with colleagues on issues of broad interest across the institution and offer new ideas that contribute to our shared DEI goals. Following in the successful footsteps of staff working groups that helped launch our heritage month programming and our affinity groups, we will support in-progress efforts related to gender inclusion and to reimagining our internship program with a focus on expanding opportunities for students from a wide range of backgrounds.

Pipeline building and equitable hiring

Building a diverse workforce begins with ensuring that our positions attract applicants from a wide array of backgrounds and that hiring managers approach the task of considering qualified candidates with equity in mind. In the year ahead, we will continue to: rebuild our outreach programming for internship and early career positions; support pipeline building efforts in individual research programs; provide training opportunities to equip individuals—both experienced hiring managers and those new to the role— with tools to use throughout the recruitment process; and leverage our new website to showcase to applicants the ways Brookings values inclusion and diversity.

Pay transparency

As part of Brookings’s long-standing commitment to pay equity, Brookings's HR team hosted a series of training sessions and provided resources to inform staff on our compensation philosophy, guiding principles, and pay practices. Our goal for 2024 is to begin sharing position-specific salary range information with staff and to include salary information on all open positions posted on our website.

Enhancing inclusion in our physical space and elsewhere

At Brookings, we are looking afresh and further evaluating various aspects of our facilities to ensure they fully support the needs of our diverse workforce and visitors alike. Improving the physical space and environment for individuals who are differently-abled, creating additional gender-neutral restrooms, and with the rollout of our new website in June 2023, a continued attention to best practices regarding web accessibility are a few representative areas of our renewed and forthcoming focus.

Resources: Brookings staff gathering in Faulk Auditorium


As we work to make progress within our own Institution on diversity, equity, and inclusion, we seek to apply the same rigorous, research-based principles that guide all of our work to our decision-making in this area. In that spirit, we conduct ongoing research to help inform our internal inclusion and diversity objectives and priorities, including the following:

Photo credits:
Photos by Paul Morigi, Sharon Farmer, Madeleine Walshak, Becker Friedman Institute, the Brookings Network, and Shutterstock.