President Biden is scheduled to deliver his second State of the Union address to Congress and the nation on February 7, 2023. Biden presides over a United States that faces threats which will have grave implications for the country’s future: the war in Ukraine, the rise of authoritarian populism, an economy coping with inflation, hyper-partisanship, the growing urgency of climate change, and challenges to democratic elections and voting rights being just a few.
On February 6, Governance Studies at Brookings hosted a webinar featuring policy experts who discussed which accomplishments and policy priorities the president is likely to highlight in this historic speech. Panelists also considered how Biden’s agenda will be affected by the new Republican majority in the House.
Viewers can submit questions for speakers by emailing [email protected] or via Twitter at @BrookingsGov by using #BrookingsSOTU.
February 6
Panel discussion
Elaine Kamarck Founding Director - Center for Effective Public Management, Senior Fellow - Governance Studies @EKamarckPanelist
Constanze Stelzenmüller Director - Center on the United States and Europe, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe, Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Trans-Atlantic Relations @ConStelzDavid Wessel Director - The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Senior Fellow - Economic Studies @davidmwesselCamille Busette Vice President and Director - Governance Studies, Director - Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative @CamilleBusetteWilliam A. Galston Ezra K. Zilkha Chair and Senior Fellow - Governance Studies, Center for Effective Public Management