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Changing economic and military power dynamics and new architectures for regional cooperation will likely have profound implications for engagement throughout the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. How the United States and Australia assess this environment, and their individual and collective strategic priorities within it, will greatly influence the U.S.-Australian alliance in the decades to come.
On July 27, the 21st Century Defense Initiative at Brookings hosted the Honorable Stephen Smith MP, minister for defence of Australia for his perspective on a range of topics influencing the U.S.-Australian alliance, including the geopolitical shifts within the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions, implications of the rise of China and India, and the impact of recent American and Australian strategic and force posture reviews.
Vice President Martin Indyk, director of Foreign Policy at Brookings, provided introductory remarks and moderated the discussion.
The Coming Asia-Pacific Century: What It Means for the Australia-U.S. Alliance